I've been fortunate to work with organizations that are brave enough to tackle huge social and environmental challenges. What I've learned is that internal alignment around a shared vision doesn't happen easily, but it's crucial to success – and it means empowering people in new ways.
I've worked as one of hundreds of staff for the United Nations Human Rights Office in Geneva, and I've been Employee #2 at a remarkably successful digital non-profit, OpenMedia. I was one of the founders of Groundswell, an innovative mentorship and training program in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, and the Director of the David Suzuki Foundation's largest department, Communications & Public Engagement. Along the way, organizations -- particularly those struggling to define their purpose and theory of change in the digital world -- have engaged me to help them create more participatory cultures.
Organizations need to respond to higher expectations for participation from staff, members and supporters. If you're an organizational leader today, you're likely answering much more focused questions from staff, board members and funders about your organization's impact and its ability to achieve its mission, as well as whether it "walks the talk" internally. Though this can seem frustrating at times, it represents an opportunity - to get better at what we do, and create a social change sector that is capable of meeting the daunting challenges of our times. This is the work that I'm dedicated to.
My PechaKucha talk about democratizing the economy
Conversation about digital engagement and media democracy on the ReimaginePR podcast